Media Paper 2 PPE - Learner response

Media Paper 2 PPE - Learner response

This is the second of your vital learner response tasks following the full set of A Level Media PPEs.

Remember, the most important aspect of any mock exam is making mistakes and learning from them. With Paper 2 this is even more significant as it contains the synoptic element in question 4 and extended essays on in-depth topics throughout.

Here, we need to closely analyse our performance in Paper 2 and identify specific ways we will improve for the real exam on Thursday 11 June (PM). Complete the following learner response tasks in a new blogpost on your Media Coursework Blog called 'Paper 2 PPE learner response':

1) Type up your feedback in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to).

2) Did you succeed in meeting or exceeding your target grade for A Level Media in this paper? If not, how many additional marks do you need to achieve your target grade in Paper 2?
I was 15 marks away form my target grade.

These are the grade boundaries we've used, based on last year's A Level exam but raised slightly to account for the fact they will probably move up slightly (out of 84):  

A* = 75; A = 66; B = 54; C = 44; D = 32; E = 20.

Now read through the AQA mark scheme for Paper 2 - you'll already have looked at this in class when marking the exam booklet of other students' responses. The original Paper 2 question paper is here if that is helpful too.

3) Write a question-by-question analysis of your performance. For each question, write how many marks you got from the number available and identify any points that you missed by carefully studying the AQA indicative content in the mark scheme:

  • Talk more about the body language, posture
  • Patriotic country?

  • Talk about bobo doll experiment
  • Add some more theorists.


  • Representation and the values, attitude and beliefs that come with that.
  • The media perhaps having more power.


  • Add some context and cultural context.Making sure context is relevant.
  • Relate back to the question.

Example: Q2: 13/25 marks
Additional points: I didn't mention media effects theories such as cultivation theory; I didn't focus on the question asking 'how valid' are media effects theories; I could have discussed the effect representations of women have on male gamers as suggested by Anita Sarkeesian; I could have discussed the ideological impact of The Sims on young gamers indoctrinated into the American capitalist dream...

4) Look at question 4 - the synoptic question on TV. Write a full, new essay plan for this question using the indicative content in the mark scheme (focus particularly on distribution) and taking care to include at least one paragraph that addresses the synoptic element. You can use bullet points but make sure you offer enough content to meet the criteria for Level 4 (top level). This will be somewhere between 4-6 well-developed paragraphs planned in some detail.
Capital :
London lifestyle
Deutschlamnd 83:
West and East lifestyle similarities and differences

5) Based on the whole of your Paper 2 learner response, plan FIVE topics / concepts / CSPs / theories that you will prioritise in your Easter Media revision timetable.
  • Videogames
  • Plan out my questions


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