Film poster analysis
I think the film is about a millionaire (hero, left side center) that falls in love with a girl that has a family that is very cultural which I am assuming is the person on the right side, center. They face a lot of issues between the cultural differences in them. The person I am assuming to be the millionaire I thought of is because of the costume the character is wearing. He is wearing a suit and tie which is very professionalism. Which connotes a very stereotypical idea of a typical English man.
The target audience as the poster suggests is a family show as the people in the poster look like a family the way some are hugging and they are all huddled up.
The film I think is about a child that was kidnapped and she is worth a million dollar. The ‘baby’ suggests some sort of child and the ‘million dollar’ suggests some type of payment that someone has to make to get the kidnapped person.
There is red in the poster which tells the audience that there may be a chance that there is blood as red connotes blood.
The target audience I am thinking is more for young adults around the age of 18. As the character in the center has a quite ripped back. With her hair plated back shows that she is ready for action at any time when given one.
The guy on the left side and right side are very shadow like which could tell the audience that they are either helping the girl without her knowing it or they are enemies.
The story line I think might be of how aliens took over the world and these two characters that are in the poster try to save the world.
I think the target audience for this is very clearly pointing at gamers and teenage boys. This is because the poster suggests a lot of stereotypical ideas of what teenage boys like. One being that it has R rating meaning it is for ‘no one under 17’ can buy this. Which again points at what type of target audience this is directed at.
The target audience I think is teenagers that are around the age of 15 as the poster has a age rating of 15.
I think the genre is thriller because one of the reviews at the bottom has said “thriller” which tells me that the genre is a thriller for this film.
The film has a hybrid genre. The film is comedic as it has “hilarious” written from one of the reviews and the characters in the poster have a funny facial expression. Also, I think the film has a horror genre as the title includes the word ‘scary’.
The film I think is about a group of students as some of the characters in the poster look like students. They get trapped in a haunted house and they have to find a way to get out. While getting out they face a lot of obstacles. I think they take a priest in the haunted house with them but he does not help as he is more scared of the monsters himself.
This film’s target audience is probably young adults as the poster is very powerful and the guns being held by some characters suggests it might have inappropriate scenes which are not appropriate for people under the age of 18.
The film I think is about a ‘city’ that is very evil with really bad people and some of the characters in the poster try to make the city a less evil place.
I think the genre is fantasy and action. Fantasy because of the pirate and action because he is holding a gun which suggests there is going to be action in the film.
I think the target audience is teenagers because of the genre that it is as it is stereotypically liked by teenagers.
The film I think is about a historical event that possibly happened as the colour is very dull and connotes age.
I think the genre is a historical fiction because the setting with the church and the man just standing there represents that.
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